Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fifth Sun Initiations

Two September Sundays have provided me with four initiations: two in the Hindu tradition and two in the Q'ero tradition. Both sets were delivered by humble and loving people, one a long-time friend and guru, the others two residents of the Andes.

Taking a pill so I could drive (my first lengthy expedition since right knee replacement) with two unlicensed friends to Beaverton to see my long-time mantra Guru Namadeva. He was in the last stages of cancer. I had been told my Guru was committed "to [his] last breath" to helping others along their spiritual path. A supreme, quick-witted teacher with the proverbial patience of Job, Namadeva held Satsang so we could ask our last burning questions as well as enjoy a few jokes and jibes. Then he moved to another room to initiate eight people, even though he'd not eaten for three weeks and could only occasionally sip water.

The pair of initiations were the Guru Jyoti and Pancha Dasi. The first is directed at realizing one's inner guru as well as becoming a channel for the love of the guru to come through one to bless others. Though I had experienced my upa-guru's energy, the Atman, at one of Namadeva's workshops a number of years ago, I took the initiation hoping I might learn to call forth the upa-guru for myself. The reason for taking the other initiation is self-evident: acting as a channel for unconditional love. The purpose of the Pancha Dasi, among other things, is to awaken one's Kundalini Shakti.

The private moment was an opportunity to say goodbye for now and to receive Namadeva's blessing; "One in Spirit." Namadeva's shradha, held this past Sunday in Beaverton and wherever his students gathered, was a celebration for a Guru who positively touched many lives around the world.

The Q'ero Indians of Peru number only 400 full-bloods. They live above 12,000 feet in the Andes. But their traditions pre-date the Hindu. As descendants of the Lemurians, Q'ero seeded the Lemurian spiritual traditions throughout the Americas. According to Q'ero history, Lemuria sank 26,000 years ago at the time of a planetary conjunction similar to the one we're headed toward about 2012. Atlantis sank 13,000 years ago, the Atlanteans seeding Europe, Africa and Asia with similar sacred teachings.

For information on Q'ero prophecies, check There you will also find information on the Hatun and Munray Karpays that I and 11 other participants received over the course of a weekend workshop. These initiations had never been given outside of the Andes or under 12,000 feet until this weekend. It was interesting, perhaps significant, that 13 people sat in the opening circle.

Personally, what was most meaningful was that Namadeva appeared to me on Saturday morning at 4:08 a.m. before the workshop. Following his appearance, my kundalini, Satyamama for the Q'ero, kicked five times like an unborn infant. I expect it would have been visually detectable had I been able to see my lower back. By the second of the Karpays on Sunday afternoon, Satyamama had risen, and I sat with my Lakota pipe and Q'ero mesa in my lap, shaking like a Quaker.

As with most of my spiritual journey, a book has confirmed the connection between the Q'ero and the Hindu traditions and much more. Daniel, the workshop's English-speaking leader and translator, says, "[Pinkham's book] is 99% correct." I recommend reading it since it provides the world's pre-history for 2012 and the background for and underlying truth of indigenous religions, including Christianity: The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom by Mark A. Pinkham. If you want to know more about the Q'ero, Dr. Alberto Villoldo has written a number of books about his shamanic training in their tradition.

One of the questions Namadeva asked his students during Satsang was whether we ever thought about our mantra practice as part of a "spiritual mosaic" we are creating. It's certain that this intense Ouroboros weekend following the autumn equinox was the snake's putting its tail in its mouth. It was also a unification of my experiences with a Lakota teacher, the Eagle's flying with the Condor.